
© Michael McGuigan, 2024

I maintain a digital library of many of the newspaper articles, academic journals, some books, government records, and miscellaneous materials about the Bannisters listed in this bibliography. Access is provided upon request.

Approaching storm. Knowledge Unlimited, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin 1997.

Artwork reproduction: Landscape with man walking into the wind, holding onto his hat and carrying an ax. Text on front of poster gives biographical information about the artist and additional information about the painting. The teacher's guide includes background on African American artists and includes activities. Text by Russell Evansen. 


Archives at Boston; Waltham, MA; Excise Tax Assessment Lists, 1867-1872; NAID: 5634108; Record Group Number: 58; Record Group: Records of the Internal Revenue Service, 1791-2006. In 1868, Division No. 2, Collection District No. 3, on page 75, line 37 Christiana Carteaux is listed as a manufacturess on 43 Winter Street and owing $10 in excise tax.


Archives at Boston; Waltham, MA; Excise Tax Assessment Lists, 1867-1872; NAID: 5634108; Record Group Number: 58; Record Group: Records of the Internal Revenue Service, 1791-2006. In 1868, Division No. 2, Collection District No. 3, on page 46, line 14 Madame C. Carteaux is listed as a manufacturess on 43 Winter Street and owing $10 in excise tax.


"Final Report." Bannister Community Art Project (BCAP), Providence, 28 January 2024. 

A report published by the BCAP summarizing the work and activities the group undertook. Includes reports from the various committees, a final budget, photographs, and related documentation.


"Bannister, Edward Mitchell, 1828-1901." artist file. Manuscript and Archival Material. Cleveland Museum of Art, Ingalls Library Clipping File Cabinets. Cleveland, Ohio.


Bannister, Edward Mitchell. Correspondence, November 5 1883 to a Mr. Roehler.

Describes a book that he received and that he regrets not sending the picture to the Philadelphia Exhibition as it was already sold.


Bostonian Society. Catalogue of the collections of the Bostonian Society: in the Old State House, Boston. Boston: Published by authority of the directors, 1895. 

#230 Samuel Griswold Goodrich Peter Parley 1793-1S60; author or editor of 170 volumes, many of them for the young; engraved by Bannister from a daguerreotype.


Botelho, Jessica A. (May 12, 2021). "Providence Art Club Showcases Bronze Bust of Prolific Black Co-founder". WJAR. Archived from the original on June 10, 2021. turnto10.com/news/local/providence-art-club-showcases-bronze-bust-of-prolific-black-co-founder

Announced the donation to the Providence Art Club of a bronze bust of Edward Bannister recently sculpted by Providence artist Gage Prentiss. 


Boston Marriage Index

Lists the marriage of Christiana Babcock to Dessiline Carteaux on October 27, 1840.


Brown, W. Alden. Rhode Island Artists. Copy available at Fleet Library at RISD call #N6530.R4 B76.

Contains individual typed essays on eight Rhode Island artists including Edward Bannister.


Brown, John S. "Edward Mitchell Bannister, the artist" The Crisis, November 1933.

Tribute to Edward Mitchell Bannister which appeared in the November 1933 edition of The Crisis. Typed manuscript used for publication


Child, Lydia Maria to Sarah Blake Sturgis Shaw, November 3, 1864, 4: Lydia Maria Child Papers, Houghton Library, Harvard University, bMS Am 1417 (93).


Christiana Carteaux Bannister. Riverside, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame.

A short biography of her life without references or notes.


Charles W. White papers, 1933-1987, bulk 1960s-1970s Select containers, reproduction 474: Driskell, David, An Appraisal of the Art of Edward Mitchell Bannister, undated. Permalink: www.aaa.si.edu/collections/charles-w-white-papers-9350

Essay argues that valuation of the work of Black artists must be done by an expert opinion that looks at the intrinsic value of a painting through the comparison of similar art. Anything else will diminish the value of Black artists.


City of Providence, Return of a Death, Christiana Bannister, 29 Dec 1902

Christiana died 29 Dec 1902 at the State Hospital for the Insane. Her address was 91 Hope Street. Her husband was Edward Bannister and her occupation is listed as housewife. She was born in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Her father was John Babcock and her mother was Mary Babcock. Both parents were born in Rhode Island.


City of Providence, Return of a Death, Edward Bannister, 11 Jan 1901

Edward died 09 Jan 1901 at the Elmwood Ave. Free Baptist Church. His address was 60 Wilson Street. His wife was Christiana Bannister and his occupation is listed as artist. He was born in N.B. St. Andrews. His father was William Bannister and his mother was Hannah Bannister. Both parents were born in the West Indies.


City of Providence, Registrar of Deeds, Book 195, page 246

Real estate purchase by Christiana Bannister for property on Swan Street in Providence.


City of Providence, Registrar of Deeds, Book 310, page 184. 1881

Agreement between Christiana and Edward Bannister and Pascoag Savings Bank to encumber property on Swan Street.


City of Providence, Archives, Mortgage Book 51, page 215. 1881

Mortgage Agreement between Christiana and Edward Bannister and Pascoag Savings Bank for $1,800 on Swan Street propert.


Coelho, Courtney (May 13, 2015). "Brown to Renovate Historic Bannister House". News from Brown. Brown University.

Announcement that Brown University will renovate the Bannister House to its original state and then sell it to a Brown faculty member.


College Hill Historic District. National Register of Historic Places, Inventory -- Nomination Form. (26 January 1976).

Original application for having College Hill declared a historical district. Application includes many properties, descriptions, photographs, and maps. Bannister’s house on 93 Benevolent Street is listed on page 7.58i. He is also listed on the Continuation Sheet 21, Item 8, page 9 in his role as founder of the Providence Art Club and their location in the 1791 house of silversmith Seril Dodge on Thomas Street. preservation.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur406/files/pdfs_zips_downloads/national_pdfs/providence/prov_college-hill-hd.pdf


Cranston, Tim. "Christiana Bannister, North Kingstown’s 19th Century Renaissance Woman," Presentation at the opening of the exhibition, “The Art of Edward M. Bannister, A Rhode Island Masters Exhibition” at the Gilbert Stuart Museum, 18 June 2018.


Davis-Allison, Jennifer. Unveiling Remarks, September 10, 2023.

Speech given at the unveiling of the Edward Bannister Statue on September 10, 2023. 


Du Bois, W.E.B. Letter to Cedric Dover, December 1, 1859

Du Bois informs Dover that he knew of Robert S. Duncanson, Edmonia Lewis, and Edward M. Bannister, but never met them personally. 


Dover Cedric, August 7, 1959 Letter from Cedric Dover to Shirley Graham Du Bois

Dover asks Shirley Du Bois to ask her husband for any knowledge he may have on Robert S. Duncanson, Edmonia Lewis, and/or Edward M. Bannister. 


Edward Bannister, The Artist and His Critics. Ann-Eliza Club Manuscript DivisionMSS#26, Box 1, Folder 25 (Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, Rhode Island 1886). 

The most widely known lecture in this series “The Artist and His Critics,” given by African-American artist Edward Mitchel Bannister, given on April 15, 1886. 


Edward Mitchell Bannister, Juanita Marie Holland, Gallery, K., House, K., & Museum, W. (1992). Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828-1901: Kenkeleba House, New York ; Whitney Museum of American Art at Champion, Stamford, Connecticut. Kenkeleba House ; Stamford, Conn.


Edward Mitchell Bannister. Artist file : miscellaneous uncataloged material. Archival material. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), New York, NY.

The folder may include announcements, clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, and other ephemeral material.


Edward Mitchell Bannister: artist file. Archival material. Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Research Library. Fort Worth, Texas.

Mixed collection of published and unpublished material that may include items such as announcements, articles, artist statements and manifestos, brochures, clippings, correspondence, digital media, exhibition catalogs and checklists, interviews, invitations, manuscripts, memorabilia, oral histories, posters, press releases, resumes/CVs, reviews, slides, and other similar material. These items are typically small in size and not individually cataloged.


Forbes, George. “E.M. Bannister with Sketch of Earlier Artists,” Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts.

Forbes was an assistant librarian at the Boston Public Library, a writer and editor, and a friend of Bannister.


Garrison, William Lloyd,  Letter to Helen Eliza Garrison, June 30, 1865

Letter states that he will obtain some of Christiana's potions for his wife. Also suggests she sell them.


Gibbs. C.R., African American Heroines of the Civil War, CSPA, May 21, 2017, 9:25 - 10:31 EDT.

Sponsored by the African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation and Museum, this video talks about the achievements of several African American of the Civil War period. Christiana and Edward Bannister are mentioned between 9:40 and 9:42.


Grinnell, Nancy Whipple. "Edward Bannister: The Artist and His Influences." YouTube, February 2022.

Nancy Whipple Grinnell, curator emerita of the Newport (RI) Art Museum, explores Bannister’s upbringing, his marriage to Christiana Carteaux, the challenges he faced as a Black artist, his relationships with his colleagues at the Providence Art Club, his connection to the Barbizon School of Painting, and more.


Gross, Carl Russell, "Manuscript D" (1971). Dr. Carl Russell Gross Collection. 4. digitalcommons.ric.edu/crgross_papers/4

This incomplete manuscript presents a timeline of African American history in Rhode Island from 1819-1955, including the establishment and growth of African American churches; African American participation in the American Civil War and the First World War; desegregation and civil rights; and notable African American firsts. References to Bannister appear on pages 11 and 25.


Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Harmon Foundation, inc., records, 1913-1967, American Negro Artists, Box 72. LC Catalog record: lccn.loc.gov/mm78051615

Correspondence, biographical notes, catalogs, scrapbooks, and other material relating to the organization and its founder, William Elmer Harmon. Included are records of the foundation's award programs, biographical notes on African and African-American artists, and correspondence with African art centers. Box 72 contains information regarding Edward Bannister.


Mann, Lina (August 7, 2020). "Diversity in White House Art: Alma Thomas". White House Historical Association. Archived from the original on July 14, 2021.

Article discusses the life of Black artist Alma Thomas, the first African-American woman to have her work added to the White House Collection.  In 1938, she organized the first art gallery in the D.C. public school system which included works from Bannister. Digital version available at: www.whitehousehistory.org/diversity-in-white-house-art-alma-thomas


"Massachusetts, Boston Tax Records, 1822-1918," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89XC-8FRS?cc=2125599&wc=9BR5-44H%3A1017717701%2C1017867501 : 9 July 2021), Tax records > Valuation books, 1858, Ward 6 > image 45 of 122; City of Boston Archives, West Roxbury. 


"Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QG1K-GXCL : 18 October 2022), Edward M Bannister and Christiana Babcock, 1857; citing Marriage, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston; FHL microfilm 007011048. 

Record of the marriage between Edward and Christiana in 1957.


Middlebury College. (1994). Middlebury College Catalogue, 1994, "African-American Art 1800 to Present." 

Course listed as AR225 and described as a survey of Black artists in America from the nineteenth century traditionalists Edward Bannister and Henry O. Tanner to the modernists Jacob Lawrence and Romare Breaden.


Neumann, Dietrich. "Edward Mitchell Bannister (1828-1901), Proposal to Issue a Postage Stamp in his honor through the US Postal Service, 2022.

Draft application Jointly submitted by: Rhode Island Black Heritage Society, Providence Providence Art Club, Bannister Committee

John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Brown University, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI, and the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, RI. Include short biography, justification, bibliography, and samples of his work.


Neumann, Dietrich, et. al. "Edward Bannister: An Artist and His Time," NEH grant proposal, 2023. 


"Never Enough Time: Christiana's Story." Historical drama portrayed by actors Brianna K Rosario as Christiana Bannister, Jordan Daniel Smith as  Edward Bannister both from Brown University’s Rites & Reason Theatre, Nancy Gaucher Thomas as Hair salon customer, and Seb Borges as Art Club Manager, written and directed by Art Club member, Pamela Lambert. Performed at the Providence Art Club on 17 February 2023. 


New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915

Lists Edward Bannister born in 1829 and aged 28 as marrying Christiana Babcock in Boston on 10 Jun 1857. Christiana was born in North Kingstown, RI. Her father was James Babcock. This was her second marriage. Edward was working as an ambrotypist.


Norman, Joseph. "From Bannister to Norman, An Unbroken Link," First Baptist Church of America, 10 Sep 2023.

Lecture given by artist Joseph Norman as the  the closing event of the weekend-long celebration of Edward M. Bannister, by the Bannister Community Art Project. 


On the Rhode to Freedom. (n.d.). Stagesoffreedom. www.stagesoffreedom.org/on-the-rhode-to-freedom

Abner Hall House, 1826-27: 116 Hope Street. Chirstiana Bannister lived here in the back after Edward died in 1901. The house was owned by her niece, ca. 1895-1907.


Oral history interview with David Driskell, 2009 March 18-April 7. Transcript available at: www.aaa.si.edu/download_pdf_transcript/ajax?record_id=edanmdm-AAADCD_oh_300668

An interview of David C. Driskell conducted 18 March 2009 through 07 April 2009, by Cynthia Mills, for the Archives of American Art, at Driskell's home, in Hyattsville, Maryland. Driskell talks about how he acquired some of Bannister’s work and about his influence as an artist.


PBS Newshour, Providence Art Club a haven for diverse artists since 1880, April 19, 2023.

Interview with club members about the founding of the Providence Art Club. Lengthy discussion of Bannister.


Peabody Essex Museum  collections. Vol. 129, No. 4 (1993). Peabody Essex Museum  Salem, Mass.

Issue dedicated to George Curtis. On page 415, states that on 25 April 1882, a number of artists, including Bannister, donated paintings to raise money for the benefit of his widow, Harriet Curtis.


Philadelphia Centennial, International Exhibition, 1876, Certificate of Award, E.M. Bannister, Providence, Oil Painting (U.S. Centennial Commission, 1876)


Providence Art Club. "From Bannister to Norman: An Unbroken Link" Lecture by Joseph Norman, September 10, 2023.

A lecture by Joseph Norman that was given on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 4pm at the First Baptist Church of America, Providence. The talk was the closing event of the weekend-long celebration of Edward M. Bannister, by the Bannister Community Art Project. 


Rhode Island, Providence County, City of Providence, Probate Record, Book No. 79, page 170, No. 7836. Bannister, Christiana, 19 March, 1903. Providence City Archives.

File includes Bond of Administrator, a copy of the legal notice, a list of next of kin, an inventory, and an Appraiser' Warrant. 


Rhode Island. General Assembly at the January Session. Joint Committee on Legislative Services. Law Revision., Rhode Island. Department of State., (1978). [Providence, R.I.]: Published by Henry Ward, Secretary.

Senate Resolution #171, passed on 5 May 1978, declaring the week of August 1 to August 7 as Emancipation Week. Contains a timeline of significant events and persons of African ancestry that contributed to the culture and history of Rhode Island. Mention is made of Edward and Christiana Bannister. Edward is credited with being one of the founders of the Providence Art Club and the Rhode Island School of Design and Christiana as the founder of Bannister House.


Rhode Island. General Assembly at the January Session. Senate Resolution S 0852 (2015).

Honoring Bannister House on its 125th Anniversary and respectfully requesting that Governor Gina Raimondo convene a meeting amongst all stakeholders to find a way to keep Bannister House open.


Rhode Island College. (2022). ART 461: Seminar in Art History, Bannister and Rhode Island. Providence, Rhode Island: Sara Picard , PhD.

Course examined "the Rhode Island painter Edward Bannister (1828-1901) within the context of racialization, the genre of landscape, and nineteenth-century Rhode Island visual culture." 


Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry. (1873). Transactions for the Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry in the year... Providence, R.I.: The Society.

Annual Report of the 1873 Standing Committee including entries and awards for the fair and exhibition are included in the report. On page 95, Edward Bannister is listed as having submitted two paintings in the Fine Arts Division.


Stages of Freedom. Saving Bannister: A Conversation with Ed Shein, Barnaby Evans, and Ray Rickman, November 2, 2023.

Ed Shein discussed his groundbreaking work placing the paintings of Edward Mitchell Bannister, America's foremost Black artist, in the Smithsonian Institute. Presentation was held at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Metcalf Auditorium.


The Providence House Directory of 1895, page 119 lists Edward M. Bannister as a member of the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas Street.


The Providence House Directory of 1899, page 141 lists Edward M. Bannister as an artist member of the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas Street.


Thomas, Nancy Gaucher. Unveiling Remarks, September 10, 2023.

Speech given at the unveiling of the Edward Bannister Statue on September 10, 2023.                                              


Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook) l

Lists the marriage of Christiana Babcock and Dessilin Carteaux on 13 Oct 1840 in Boston, Massachusetts.


United States Congress. House Committee on Government Operations. Government Activities and Transportation Subcommittee. (1989). Smithsonian Institution minority employment practices: hearings before the Government Activities and Transportation Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, March 14 and April 19, 1989. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.

This is a detailed consideration of the merger of the African Museum of Art with the Smithsonian Institute. On page 270, as part of  background information, paintings by Edward Bannister are included as part of 180 works of art owned by the museum.


Webb, Steven (2021, February 28). Call him an “activist artist”: Giving New Brunswick-born painter E.M Bannister his due. CBC.

A short biography of Bannister. Claims that Bannister sat on the founding board of the Rhode Island School of Design.  



Woodruff, Hale Aspacio. The Art of the Negro, 1950 - 51. Panel 6, Artists. Trevor Arnett Library, Clark Atlanta University.

An image of Edward Bannister appears on the rearmost row fourth from the left.
